Sunday, October 17, 2010


photo from

1) I think the most important thing I have learned this year thus far is that media is constantly moving and transforming into new mediums. Watching TV transform into new mediums like Hulu for example shows how the media world is going to continue to change and it's important to understand where it's going because it will be important and necesarry skills for future jobs, and knowledge is power! Where media is moving in the future is un-predictable, but it's very important to keep up.

2) As a critical reader, I've learned that it's really important to read the entire chapter even though they can be quite lengthy. You can miss a lot of important information by just scanning the pages, and it sort of defeats the purpose because all the information is connected and cannot stand alone. As a writer I've learned that writing on a blog requires a different style of writing in order to keep people interested in what your talking about. As a critical thinker, I've learned to think outside the box when viewing forms of media like television, advertisements, music videos, and concerts. I'm more aware of the strategies being used to engage the audience, and less of a passive viewer.

3) I would memorize the power tools the first week. I assumed that being in class using them they would eventually just sink in, and although using them in class helps, I really had to take time to memorize them one by one. I wish I had done it earlier because it would have benefited me a lot. I was in the library one day with the power tools work sheet out on my desk and the student next to me asked if I was taking your class. I said yes and asked if she had any helpful advice. She told me to memorize the power tools and go to class, so after that I made it my goal to really study them, but I still wish I had earlier in the year.

4) I only thing I felt un-easy about was blogging and using twitter. I wish that we had spent more time understanding the websites so we could feel more comfortable using them to our benefit in class. I understand that playing around and discovering the website ourselves is important, but it was pretty over-whelming for me at first.

5a) I like the power tools. They're very easy to use once we started playing around with them in class. They make critiquing a medium much easier.
5b) I love the course blog. I think it's fun and really easy to use, really nice change of pace from traditional ways of handing in work. It also makes me feel more connected to the class which is cool. I also like seeing what other people wrote about something. When you have to re-read people's posts so you don't repeat info for the chapter blogs, it's like a mini-chapter review which is helpful.
5c) I love my personal blog. It;s awesome being able to write about what I like and have interest in, makes it feel a lot less like busy work. I have a friend that's spending the year in Kenya, Africa and she blogs everyday about her experiences, and I use my personal blog to follow her and keep in touch which is a really nice benefit.
5d) Quizzes are fine. They keep me on my toes each week.
5e) The way that the book is set up isn't boring or difficult to read, I just think the chapters are very long. I highly doubt many people actually read the entire chapter which is a bummer because it's valuable information, it's just painfully long.

Overall- class is going really well for me, I am enjoying myself
p.s- LOVE the cider, keep it comin'

1 comment:

  1. Fine midterm blogging, Sarah!

    More cider. Check. :)

    Glad you are getting comfortable with blogging and Twitter - it takes just jumping in a playing for a while - and you have that adventurous spirit.


    Onward and audeamus,

    Dr. W
